“Overall, ACA believes that the bureau’s efforts will resolve ambiguities in the FDCPA and help create uniform national standards. Nevertheless, in its comprehensive comments, ACA identifies a significant number of changes that should be made to the proposal.” – ACA International CEO Mark Neeb After working with ACA International members and association leadership to garner […]
CFPB Extends Proposed Rulemaking Comment Deadline to Sept. 18
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has extended its deadline for comments on the proposed rule to modernize the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act to Sept. 18, 2019. ACA International has been working diligently to compile feedback and a comprehensive comment letter on the rule proposal through a grassroots advocacy effort. Members may now continue to […]
Breaking News: CFPB Releases Proposed Debt Collection Rulemaking
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released the long-awaited Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act today. ACA International’s team is closely analyzing the proposal and will provide initial analysis soon. Please watch your email for our updates on this tremendously important proposed rule. ACA will hold a webinar in the coming […]
Expansive Definition of ATDS that Includes Devices that Merely Dial Numbers from a Stored List Remains the Law of Land in the Ninth Circuit
BREAKING NEWS Parties Settle Crunch San Diego, LLC v. Marks Expansive Definition of ATDS that Includes Devices that Merely Dial Numbers from a Stored List Remains the Law of Land in the Ninth Circuit ACA International learned late today that the parties in Crunch San Diego, LLC v. Marks have reached an agreement to settle […]
Breaking News: U.S. Senate Confirms Kathy Kraninger as Next Director of BCFP
The U.S. Senate voted 50-49 Thursday to confirm Kathy Kraninger to serve a five-year term as director of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (BCFP). Following the vote, ACA International CEO Mark Neeb sent a congratulatory letter to Kraninger. “ACA International looks forward to working with Director Kraninger and the new leadership at the BCFP. […]
BREAKING NEWS: Ninth Circuit Refuses To Rehear Case Expanding Definition of ATDS under TCPA
The federal appellate court denied a health club’s request to reconsider its erroneous precedential decision that the term ATDS includes equipment that merely has the capacity to automatically dial stored numbers. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals denied, without comment, today a Petition for Rehearing En Banc filed by a health club and fitness center […]
A message from Jack Brown, President, ACA International Board of Directors, 2018-2019
Dear ACA Members, On behalf of the ACA International Board of Directors, I’m pleased to inform you that the Board has approved a three-year strategic plan that aligns our vision, mission, values and goals. This ambitious strategic plan represents a disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that will shape and guide ACA International’s […]
New Office Location Announcement
Exciting things are happening at Credit Counsel, Inc., and we want to share some important news with you. Loyalty from customers like you has fueled continued growth, making a move to a new office necessary. We will continue to offer the same professional service at our new address. All phone numbers, email addresses and website […]
The appellate court ruled in a “reverse-Avila” case, holding that a debt collector is not required to disclose that interest is not accruing – where no interest is accruing
The Second Circuit Court of Appeals issued a unanimous opinion today in favor of an ACA International member collection agency in the case of Taylor v. Financial Recovery Services, Inc., No. 17-1650, 2018 WL ——- (2d Cir. March 29, 2018). The issue in Taylor was “whether it is misleading within the meaning of Section 1692e […]
Victory for ACA as appeals court decision overturns the FCC’s expansive interpretation of the TCPA
ACA International, the Association of Credit and Collection Professionals, and businesses and organizations from a wide variety of industries secured a major victory today from U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in its landmark case: ACA International v. Federal Communications Commission, et al. In handing down its hotly-anticipated decision in the pivotal ACA […]